
What is the population of Cottage Grove in Minnesota?

If you ever wondered how many inhabitants Cottage Grove in Minnesota has, here is the answer:

Cottage Grove, Minnesota has a population of 34,589 residents.

With an area of 97.15 sq km (37.51 sq mi), that comes down to a population density of 356.04 inhabitants per square kilometer (922.13 / sq mi).

As a reference: New York City has a population of 8,398,748 inhabitants and a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population of Cottage Grove in Minnesota is 34589

Cottage Grove is a city 10 miles (16 km) south of Saint Paul in Washington County in the State of Minnesota. It lies on the north bank of the Mississippi River, north of the confluence with the St. Croix River. Cottage Grove and nearby suburbs form the southeast portion of Minneapolis-Saint Paul, the 16th-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with about 3.52 million residents. Its population was 34,589 at the 2010 census.The city is linked by U.S. Highways 10 and 61 and has a comfortable commute to both downtowns and the I-494 Strip in Bloomington. Once a rural township known for the state’s first creameries and wheat production, the area was served by rail lines, river shipping, and grist mills. 3M has operated a production facility in Cottage Grove since 1947.

Cities with a similar population size as Cottage Grove

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Cottage Grove, Minnesota:

Cities with a similar size as Cottage Grove

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as Cottage Grove, Minnesota, here you go:

Cities with a similar population density as Cottage Grove

Other cities that have a similar population density as Cottage Grove, Minnesota are:

Cities from the same state: Minnesota

Let’s see what other cities Minnesota has to offer: