Population Density

What is the population density of Springfield, Oregon?

Have you ever wondered how many people are crammed into Springfield in Oregon? Here is the answer:

Springfield, Oregon has a population density of 1452.04 inhabitants per square kilometer (3759.68 / sq mi)

That means the whole population of 59,403 people are living within an area of 40.91 sq km (15.8 sq mi).

As a reference: New York City has a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi), thanks to it’s population of 8,398,748 inhabitants within an area of 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi).

The population density of Springfield in Oregon is 1452.04 people per square kilometer (3759.68 / sq mi)

Springfield is a city in Lane County, Oregon, United States. Located in the Southern Willamette Valley, it is within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Statistical Area. Separated from Eugene to the west, mainly by Interstate 5, Springfield is the second-most populous city in the metropolitan area after Eugene. As of the 2010 census, the city has a total population of 59,403.The Briggs family first settled the Springfield area, arriving in 1848. The community was incorporated as a city in 1885. The city was named after a natural spring located in a field or prairie within the current city boundaries. For the majority of the 20th century the economy of Springfield was largely dependent on the Oregon timber industry, but since the 1990s the economy has diversified with PeaceHealth now the largest employer in the city. Public education in the city is provided by the Springfield School District.

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