City size

How big is Loganville, Georgia?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Loganville in Georgia is. Here is the answer:

Loganville, Georgia covers an area of 19.12 square kilometers (7.38 square miles).

With 10,458 people living in Loganville that comes to a population density of 546.97 inhabitants per square kilometer (1417.07 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Loganville in Georgia is 19.12 square kilometers (7.38 square miles)

Loganville is a city in Walton and Gwinnett counties, Georgia, United States. The population was 10,458 at the 2010 census, up from 5,435 in 2000.

Cities with a similar size as Loganville

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as Loganville, Georgia, here you go:

  • Big Lake, Minnesota with a size of 20.32 square kilometers (20.32 sq mi), population: 10,060
  • Amsterdam, New York with a size of 16.21 square kilometers (16.21 sq mi), population: 18,620
  • Ashtabula, Ohio with a size of 20.48 square kilometers (20.48 sq mi), population: 19,124
  • Marietta, Ohio with a size of 22.66 square kilometers (22.66 sq mi), population: 14,515
  • Stow, Ohio with a size of 17.32 square kilometers (17.32 sq mi), population: 34,837
  • Pella, Iowa with a size of 23.29 square kilometers (23.29 sq mi), population: 10,352
  • Traverse City, Michigan with a size of 22.42 square kilometers (22.42 sq mi), population: 14,532
  • North Ogden, Utah with a size of 18.96 square kilometers (18.96 sq mi), population: 17,791
  • Huntington, Indiana with a size of 23.19 square kilometers (23.19 sq mi), population: 17,391
  • Shaker Heights, Ohio with a size of 16.38 square kilometers (16.38 sq mi), population: 28,448

Cities with a similar population density as Loganville

Other cities that have a similar population density as Loganville, Georgia are:

  • Del Rio, Texas with a population density of 673 people per sq km (1,744 / sq mi).
  • Benicia, California with a population density of 663 people per sq km (1,717 / sq mi).
  • Naples, Florida with a population density of 459 people per sq km (1,188 / sq mi).
  • Jackson, Missouri with a population density of 514 people per sq km (1,331 / sq mi).
  • Boerne, Texas with a population density of 587 people per sq km (1,522 / sq mi).
  • Brookfield, Wisconsin with a population density of 530 people per sq km (1,372 / sq mi).
  • Perrysburg, Ohio with a population density of 669 people per sq km (1,733 / sq mi).
  • Colleyville, Texas with a population density of 666 people per sq km (1,727 / sq mi).
  • St. Cloud, Minnesota with a population density of 631 people per sq km (1,634 / sq mi).
  • Mercedes, Texas with a population density of 507 people per sq km (1,313 / sq mi).

Cities with a similar population size as Loganville

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Loganville, Georgia: