How many baby Bush vlei rats are in a litter?
A Bush vlei rat (Myotomys unisulcatus) usually gives birth to around 1 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 36 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 12 grams (0.03 lbs) and measure 6 cm (0′ 3″). They are a member of the Muridae family (genus: Myotomys). An adult Bush vlei rat grows up to a size of 15.2 cm (0′ 6″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The bush vlei rat or Karoo bush rat (Myotomys unisulcatus formerly Otomys unisulcatus) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. It is found in Namibia and South Africa. Its natural habitat is temperate shrubland. The Karoo rat uses behavioral adaptations to cope with the dry arid climate. It is a medium-sized rodent with a dark pellage on top and lighter underneath. It has light colored feet and a dark tail. The rat may have light colored fur around its eyes and the back of its ears.
Other animals of the family Muridae
Bush vlei rat is a member of the Muridae, as are these animals:
- Goldman’s woodrat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Typical vlei rat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Broad-toothed mouse with 1 babies per pregnancy
- MacConnell’s climbing mouse weighting only 41 grams
- Plateau mouse with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Southern giant slender-tailed cloud rat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Tamaulipan woodrat weighting only 198 grams
- Ryukyu mouse weighting only 14 grams
- Short-nosed harvest mouse with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Vogelkop mountain rat raching a size of 13.4 cm (0′ 6″)
Animals that share a litter size with Bush vlei rat
Those animals also give birth to 1 babies at once:
- South American sea lion
- Rhinolophus simplex
- Mongolian gazelle
- Puna mouse
- Raffray’s bandicoot
- Highland brush mouse
- Brazilian brown bat
- Moor macaque
- Patas monkey
- Red-necked wallaby
Animals with the same weight as a Bush vlei rat
What other animals weight around 102 grams (0.22 lbs)?
- Lady Burton’s rope squirrel weighting 109 grams
- Gorongoza gerbil weighting 118 grams
- Coruro weighting 101 grams
- Low’s squirrel weighting 85 grams
- Jaliscan cotton rat weighting 120 grams
- Large-scaled mosaic-tailed rat weighting 117 grams
- Red hocicudo weighting 82 grams
- Bushy-tailed opossum weighting 114 grams
- White-bellied woolly mouse opossum weighting 93 grams
- Large-scaled mosaic-tailed rat weighting 117 grams
Animals with the same size as a Bush vlei rat
Also reaching around 15.2 cm (0′ 6″) in size do these animals:
- Asian house shrew gets as big as 12.6 cm (0′ 5″)
- Coxing’s white-bellied rat gets as big as 13 cm (0′ 6″)
- Banks flying fox gets as big as 14.7 cm (0′ 6″)
- Short-tailed gymnure gets as big as 13.2 cm (0′ 6″)
- Greater tree mouse gets as big as 14.4 cm (0′ 6″)
- Plains viscacha rat gets as big as 12.9 cm (0′ 6″)
- Cliff chipmunk gets as big as 12.5 cm (0′ 5″)
- Woolly mouse opossum gets as big as 16.8 cm (0′ 7″)
- Echigo mole gets as big as 16.9 cm (0′ 7″)
- Silvery mole-rat gets as big as 15.5 cm (0′ 7″)