
What is the population of Chelsea in Massachusetts?

If you ever wondered how many inhabitants Chelsea in Massachusetts has, here is the answer:

Chelsea, Massachusetts has a population of 38,861 residents.

With an area of 6.38 sq km (2.46 sq mi), that comes down to a population density of 6091.07 inhabitants per square kilometer (15797.15 / sq mi).

As a reference: New York City has a population of 8,398,748 inhabitants and a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population of Chelsea in Massachusetts is 38861

Chelsea is a city in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States, directly across the Mystic River from the city of Boston. As of 2018, Chelsea had an estimated population of 40,160. It is also the second most densely populated city in Massachusetts behind Somerville. With a total area of just 2.21 square miles, Chelsea is the smallest city in Massachusetts in terms of total area.Chelsea is a diverse, working-class community that contains a high level of industrial activity. It is one of only three Massachusetts cities in which the majority of the population identifies as Hispanic or Latino, alongside Lawrence and Holyoke. After flirting with bankruptcy in the 1990s, the once-struggling industrial city has reversed a prolonged decline and in recent years has enjoyed sustained economic growth. Thanks to its relative affordability and close proximity to Boston, Chelsea has added more than 1,200 homes since 2005, mostly loft-style apartments and condominiums suitable for small families or young professionals. There has also been significant office, retail and restaurant development throughout the city.

Cities with a similar population size as Chelsea

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Cities with a similar size as Chelsea

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Cities with a similar population density as Chelsea

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