
What is the population of La Vergne in Tennessee?

If you ever wondered how many inhabitants La Vergne in Tennessee has, here is the answer:

La Vergne, Tennessee has a population of 18,687 residents.

With an area of 65.49 sq km (25.29 sq mi), that comes down to a population density of 285.34 inhabitants per square kilometer (738.91 / sq mi).

As a reference: New York City has a population of 8,398,748 inhabitants and a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population of La Vergne in Tennessee is 18687

La Vergne ( lÉ™-VURN) is a city in Rutherford County, Tennessee. The population was 32,588 at the 2010 census and 34,423 in 2018. La Vergne lies within the Nashville Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Cities with a similar population size as La Vergne

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like La Vergne, Tennessee:

Cities with a similar size as La Vergne

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as La Vergne, Tennessee, here you go:

Cities with a similar population density as La Vergne

Other cities that have a similar population density as La Vergne, Tennessee are:

  • Camden, Arkansas with a population density of 285 people per sq km (738 / sq mi).
  • Green, Ohio with a population density of 296 people per sq km (766 / sq mi).
  • Irondale, Alabama with a population density of 273 people per sq km (706 / sq mi).
  • Norton Shores, Michigan with a population density of 353 people per sq km (915 / sq mi).
  • Lenoir, North Carolina with a population density of 341 people per sq km (882 / sq mi).
  • Cedar City, Utah with a population density of 310 people per sq km (803 / sq mi).
  • Taylor, Texas with a population density of 317 people per sq km (821 / sq mi).
  • Enid, Oklahoma with a population density of 242 people per sq km (627 / sq mi).
  • San Luis, Arizona with a population density of 288 people per sq km (746 / sq mi).
  • Buford, Georgia with a population density of 277 people per sq km (719 / sq mi).

Cities from the same state: Tennessee

Let’s see what other cities Tennessee has to offer: