Animal Size

Southern elephant seal size: How big do they get?

How big does a Southern elephant seal get? Here is an overview over the average adult age:

A grown Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) reaches an average size of 3.69 meter (12′ 2″).

When born, they have an average size of 0 cm (0′ 0″). During their lifetime of about 23 years, they grow from 39.45 kg (86.96 lbs) to 1600 kg (3527.39 lbs). A Southern elephant seal has 1 babies at once. The Southern elephant seal (genus: Mirounga) is a member of the family Phocidae.

As a reference: Humans reach an average body size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) while carrying 62 kg (137 lbs). A human woman is pregnant for 280 days (40 weeks) and on average become 75 years old.

The average adult size of a Southern elephant seal is  (12' 2

The southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) is one of the two species of elephant seals. It is the largest member of the clade Pinnipedia and the order Carnivora, as well as the largest extant marine mammal that is not a cetacean. It gets its name from its massive size and the large proboscis of the adult male, which is used to produce very loud roars, especially during the breeding season. A bull southern elephant seal is about 40% heavier than a male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), more than twice as heavy as a male walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), and 6–7 times heavier than the largest living terrestrial carnivorans, the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and the Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi).

Animals of the same family as a Southern elephant seal

We found other animals of the Phocidae family:

Animals with the same size as a Southern elephant seal

Not that size really matters, but it makes things comparable. So here are a couple of animals that are as big as Southern elephant seal:

Animals with the same litter size as a Southern elephant seal

Here is a list of animals that have the same number of babies per litter (1) as a Southern elephant seal:

Animals with the same life expectancy as a Southern elephant seal

Completely different animals, but becoming as old as a Southern elephant seal:

Animals with the same weight as a Southern elephant seal

As a comparison, here are some other animals that weight as much as the Mirounga leonina: