How many baby Yellow-bellied marmots are in a litter?
A Yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) usually gives birth to around 4 babies.With 1 litters per year, that sums up to a yearly offspring of 4 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 30 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 33 grams (0.07 lbs) and measure 11.1 cm (0′ 5″). They are a member of the Sciuridae family (genus: Marmota). An adult Yellow-bellied marmot grows up to a size of 41.2 cm (1′ 5″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris), also known as the rock chuck, is a large, stout-bodied ground squirrel in the marmot genus. It is one of fourteen species of marmots, and is native to mountainous regions of southwestern Canada and western United States, including the Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and Mount Rainier in the state of Washington, typically living above 6,500 feet (2,000 m). The fur is mainly brown, with a dark bushy tail, yellow chest and white patch between the eyes, and they weigh up to approximately 5 kg (11 lb). They live in burrows in colonies of up to twenty individuals with a single dominant male. They are diurnal and feed on plant material, insects, and bird eggs. They hibernate for approximately eight months starting in September and lasting through the winter.
Other animals of the family Sciuridae
Yellow-bellied marmot is a member of the Sciuridae, as are these animals:
- Red and white giant flying squirrel weighting around 1.5 kilograms (3.31 lbs)
- Columbian ground squirrel with 3 babies per pregnancy
- EspĂritu Santo antelope squirrel raching a size of 15.1 cm (0′ 6″)
- Tufted ground squirrel weighting around 1.35 kilograms (2.98 lbs)
- Cliff chipmunk with 5 babies per pregnancy
- Brazilian squirrel weighting only 177 grams
- Culion tree squirrel raching a size of 21 cm (0′ 9″)
- Western dwarf squirrel weighting only 120 grams
- Utah prairie dog with 4 babies per pregnancy
- Buller’s chipmunk with 2 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Yellow-bellied marmot
Those animals also give birth to 4 babies at once:
- Utah prairie dog
- New Holland mouse
- North African gerbil
- Mountain cottontail
- Merriam’s chipmunk
- European water vole
- Iberian shrew
- Large Japanese field mouse
- Silver mountain vole
- Wolf
Animals that get as old as a Yellow-bellied marmot
Other animals that usually reach the age of 8 years:
- Kowari with 7 years
- Plains pocket gopher with 7.17 years
- Crest-tailed mulgara with 7 years
- Bushveld elephant shrew with 8.75 years
- Marbled polecat with 8.92 years
- Philippine porcupine with 9.5 years
- Woylie with 6.5 years
- Mountain degu with 7.33 years
- Moonrat with 7 years
- White-throated woodrat with 7.67 years
Animals with the same weight as a Yellow-bellied marmot
What other animals weight around 3.71 kg (8.18 lbs)?
- Diana monkey usually reaching 4.36 kgs (9.61 lbs)
- Verreaux’s sifaka usually reaching 3.61 kgs (7.96 lbs)
- Greater cane rat usually reaching 3.75 kgs (8.27 lbs)
- Pallas’s cat usually reaching 3.05 kgs (6.72 lbs)
- Short-eared rock-wallaby usually reaching 4.02 kgs (8.86 lbs)
- Parma wallaby usually reaching 4.16 kgs (9.17 lbs)
- Sclater’s guenon usually reaching 3.07 kgs (6.77 lbs)
- Spotted-necked otter usually reaching 4.19 kgs (9.24 lbs)
- Olive colobus usually reaching 3.98 kgs (8.77 lbs)
- Nine-banded armadillo usually reaching 3.98 kgs (8.77 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Yellow-bellied marmot
Also reaching around 41.2 cm (1′ 5″) in size do these animals:
- Cape gray mongoose gets as big as 35 cm (1′ 2″)
- Jameson’s red rock hare gets as big as 45.9 cm (1′ 7″)
- European pine marten gets as big as 45.7 cm (1′ 6″)
- Large-spotted civet gets as big as 42.4 cm (1′ 5″)
- Ring-tailed vontsira gets as big as 35.2 cm (1′ 2″)
- Robust cottontail gets as big as 39.4 cm (1′ 4″)
- Telefomin cuscus gets as big as 39.9 cm (1′ 4″)
- Northern Luzon giant cloud rat gets as big as 38.2 cm (1′ 4″)
- Steppe polecat gets as big as 43.2 cm (1′ 6″)
- Livingstone’s fruit bat gets as big as 34 cm (1′ 2″)