City size

How big is Alpena, Michigan?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Alpena in Michigan is. Here is the answer:

Alpena, Michigan covers an area of 23.91 square kilometers (9.23 square miles).

With 10,483 people living in Alpena that comes to a population density of 438.44 inhabitants per square kilometer (1135.75 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Alpena in Michigan is 23.91 square kilometers (9.23 square miles)

Alpena ( AL-PEEN-UH) is the only city and county seat of Alpena County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 10,483 at the 2010 census. After Traverse City, it is the second most populated city in the Northern Michigan region. The city is surrounded by Alpena Township, but the two are administered autonomously. It is the core city of the Alpena micropolitan statistical area, which encompasses all of Alpena County and had a total population of 28,360 at the 2010 census.Located at Thunder Bay along the shores of Lake Huron, the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is located in the city. The population swells with many visitors and tourists during the summer months. MidMichigan Health, which is a federally-designated rural regional medical referral center, is the largest employer in the city.

Cities with a similar size as Alpena

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Cities with a similar population density as Alpena

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Cities with a similar population size as Alpena

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Alpena, Michigan: