City size

How big is Avondale, Arizona?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Avondale in Arizona is. Here is the answer:

Avondale, Arizona covers an area of 117.38 square kilometers (45.32 square miles).

With 76,238 people living in Avondale that comes to a population density of 649.5 inhabitants per square kilometer (1682.22 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Avondale in Arizona is 117.38 square kilometers (45.32 square miles)

Avondale is a city in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States, adjacent to Phoenix. According to the 2019 U.S. Census estimates, the population of the city is 87,931.Avondale, incorporated in 1946, experienced rapid residential and commercial growth in the years since 1980. Once primarily a sparsely populated farming community with many acres of alfalfa and cotton fields, Avondale has transformed into a major bedroom suburb for Phoenix. Several major residential subdivisions and shopping centers have recently been built on former farmland, many adjacent to Interstate 10.Phoenix Children’s Hospital has a satellite facility (the Southwest Valley Urgent Care Center), at the corner of Avondale Boulevard and McDowell Road.

Cities with a similar size as Avondale

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as Avondale, Arizona, here you go:

  • Winter Haven, Florida with a size of 103.42 square kilometers (103.42 sq mi), population: 26,484
  • Rochester, Minnesota with a size of 141.72 square kilometers (141.72 sq mi), population: 110,742
  • Elk Grove, California with a size of 109.41 square kilometers (109.41 sq mi), population: 153,015
  • Ocala, Florida with a size of 118.75 square kilometers (118.75 sq mi), population: 56,315
  • Eagle Mountain, Utah with a size of 130.59 square kilometers (130.59 sq mi), population: 23,212
  • Council Bluffs, Iowa with a size of 117.91 square kilometers (117.91 sq mi), population: 62,230
  • Gadsden, Alabama with a size of 99.70 square kilometers (99.70 sq mi), population: 36,860
  • Ontario, California with a size of 129.49 square kilometers (129.49 sq mi), population: 163,924
  • Baytown, Texas with a size of 102.70 square kilometers (102.70 sq mi), population: 71,802
  • Asheville, North Carolina with a size of 118.90 square kilometers (118.90 sq mi), population: 89,121

Cities with a similar population density as Avondale

Other cities that have a similar population density as Avondale, Arizona are:

Cities with a similar population size as Avondale

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Avondale, Arizona: