City size

How big is Benton Harbor, Michigan?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Benton Harbor in Michigan is. Here is the answer:

Benton Harbor, Michigan covers an area of 12.12 square kilometers (4.68 square miles).

With 10,038 people living in Benton Harbor that comes to a population density of 828.22 inhabitants per square kilometer (2144.87 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Benton Harbor in Michigan is 12.12 square kilometers (4.68 square miles)

Benton Harbor is a city in Berrien County in the U.S. state of Michigan which is forty-six miles southwest of Kalamazoo, and seventy-one miles southwest of Grand Rapids. In 2010, the population was 10,038 according to the census. It is the smaller, by population, of the two principal cities in the Niles–Benton Harbor Metropolitan Statistical Area, an area with 156,813 people.Benton Harbor and the city of St. Joseph are separated by the St. Joseph River and are known locally as the “Twin Cities”. Fairplain and Benton Heights are unincorporated areas adjacent to Benton Harbor.

Cities with a similar size as Benton Harbor

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as Benton Harbor, Michigan, here you go:

  • St. Matthews, Kentucky with a size of 11.26 square kilometers (11.26 sq mi), population: 17,472
  • Palmetto, Florida with a size of 14.88 square kilometers (14.88 sq mi), population: 12,606
  • Heath, Ohio with a size of 11.00 square kilometers (11.00 sq mi), population: 10,310
  • El Segundo, California with a size of 14.15 square kilometers (14.15 sq mi), population: 16,654
  • Eunice, Louisiana with a size of 13.31 square kilometers (13.31 sq mi), population: 10,398
  • Milwaukie, Oregon with a size of 12.56 square kilometers (12.56 sq mi), population: 20,291
  • Grass Valley, California with a size of 12.28 square kilometers (12.28 sq mi), population: 12,860
  • Murphy, Texas with a size of 14.73 square kilometers (14.73 sq mi), population: 17,708
  • Riverbank, California with a size of 10.66 square kilometers (10.66 sq mi), population: 22,678
  • Fort Thomas, Kentucky with a size of 14.74 square kilometers (14.74 sq mi), population: 16,325

Cities with a similar population density as Benton Harbor

Other cities that have a similar population density as Benton Harbor, Michigan are:

Cities with a similar population size as Benton Harbor

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Benton Harbor, Michigan: