City size

How big is Hammond, Indiana?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Hammond in Indiana is. Here is the answer:

Hammond, Indiana covers an area of 64.45 square kilometers (24.88 square miles).

With 80,830 people living in Hammond that comes to a population density of 1254.15 inhabitants per square kilometer (3248.79 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Hammond in Indiana is 64.45 square kilometers (24.88 square miles)

Hammond () is a city in Lake County, Indiana, United States. It is part of the Chicago metropolitan area. First settled in the mid-19th century, it is one of the oldest cities of northern Lake County. As of the 2010 United States census, it is also the largest in population: the 2010 population was 80,830, replacing Gary as the most populous city in Lake County. From north to south, Hammond runs from Lake Michigan down to the Little Calumet River; from east to west along its southern border, it runs from the Illinois state line to Cline Avenue. The city is traversed by numerous railroads and expressways, including the South Shore Line, Borman Expressway, and Indiana Toll Road.Notable local landmarks include the parkland around Wolf Lake and the Horseshoe Hammond riverboat casino. Part of the Rust Belt, Hammond has been industrial almost from its inception, but is also home to a Purdue University campus and numerous historic districts that showcase the residential and commercial architecture of the early 20th century.

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Cities with a similar population density as Hammond

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