City size

How big is Jennings, Louisiana?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Jennings in Louisiana is. Here is the answer:

Jennings, Louisiana covers an area of 10.42 square kilometers (4.02 square miles).

With 10,383 people living in Jennings that comes to a population density of 996.45 inhabitants per square kilometer (2582.84 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Jennings in Louisiana is 10.42 square kilometers (4.02 square miles)

Jennings is a city in and the parish seat of Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana, United States, near Lake Charles. The population was 10,383 at the 2010 census, a small decline from the 2000 tabulation. The city is 68 percent white.Jennings is the principal city of the Jennings Micropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Jefferson Davis Parish. It is also part of the larger Lake Charles-Jennings Combined Statistical Area. It is also part of the large, 22-parish Acadiana region of the state, with a large Francophone population, many descended from early Acadian settlers.An event called “Turn It Up Tuesdays” occurs in Jennings. At this event, different musical artists perform at Founder’s Park on Tuesdays.

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Cities with a similar population density as Jennings

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