City size

How big is Kalamazoo, Michigan?

Size is not all that matters. But still, we would love to know how big Kalamazoo in Michigan is. Here is the answer:

Kalamazoo, Michigan covers an area of 65.01 square kilometers (25.1 square miles).

With 74,262 people living in Kalamazoo that comes to a population density of 1142.32 inhabitants per square kilometer (2958.65 / sq mi)

As a reference: The 8,398,748 people living in New York City are crammed onto 1214 sq km (468.73 sq mi), which results into a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population density of Kalamazoo in Michigan is 65.01 square kilometers (25.1 square miles)

Kalamazoo is a city in the southwest region of the U.S. state of Michigan. It is the county seat of Kalamazoo County. As of the 2010 census, Kalamazoo had a population of 74,262. Kalamazoo is the major city of the Kalamazoo-Portage Metropolitan Statistical Area, which has a population of 335,340 as of 2015. Kalamazoo is equidistant from the major American cities of Chicago and Detroit, each less than 150 miles away.One of Kalamazoo’s most notable features is the Kalamazoo Mall, an outdoor pedestrian shopping mall. The city created the mall in 1959 by closing part of Burdick Street to auto traffic, although two of the mall’s four blocks have been reopened to auto traffic since 1999. Kalamazoo is home to Western Michigan University, a large public university, Kalamazoo College, a private liberal arts college, and Kalamazoo Valley Community College, a two-year community college.

Cities with a similar size as Kalamazoo

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as Kalamazoo, Michigan, here you go:

Cities with a similar population density as Kalamazoo

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Cities with a similar population size as Kalamazoo

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Kalamazoo, Michigan: