
What is the population of Washington in Illinois?

If you ever wondered how many inhabitants Washington in Illinois has, here is the answer:

Washington, Illinois has a population of 15,134 residents.

With an area of 20.81 sq km (8.03 sq mi), that comes down to a population density of 727.25 inhabitants per square kilometer (1884.68 / sq mi).

As a reference: New York City has a population of 8,398,748 inhabitants and a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population of Washington in Illinois is 15134

Washington is a city in Tazewell County, Illinois, United States. Washington is on U.S. Route 24 and Illinois Route 8, northeast of East Peoria. The population was 15,134 at the 2010 census, a 39.6 percent increase over 2000.

Cities with a similar population size as Washington

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like Washington, Illinois:

Cities with a similar size as Washington

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as Washington, Illinois, here you go:

Cities with a similar population density as Washington

Other cities that have a similar population density as Washington, Illinois are:

  • Rolla, Missouri with a population density of 626 people per sq km (1,622 / sq mi).
  • Powell, Ohio with a population density of 892 people per sq km (2,309 / sq mi).
  • Pflugerville, Texas with a population density of 794 people per sq km (2,056 / sq mi).
  • Woodstock, Illinois with a population density of 704 people per sq km (1,822 / sq mi).
  • Wadsworth, Ohio with a population density of 744 people per sq km (1,927 / sq mi).
  • Danville, Illinois with a population density of 723 people per sq km (1,872 / sq mi).
  • Broken Arrow, Oklahoma with a population density of 612 people per sq km (1,586 / sq mi).
  • Sarasota, Florida with a population density of 817 people per sq km (2,115 / sq mi).
  • Lehi, Utah with a population density of 686 people per sq km (1,777 / sq mi).
  • Harker Heights, Texas with a population density of 729 people per sq km (1,887 / sq mi).

Cities from the same state: Illinois

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Cities with the same name “Washington”

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