
What is the population of La Palma in California?

If you ever wondered how many inhabitants La Palma in California has, here is the answer:

La Palma, California has a population of 15,568 residents.

With an area of 4.68 sq km (1.81 sq mi), that comes down to a population density of 3326.5 inhabitants per square kilometer (8601.1 / sq mi).

As a reference: New York City has a population of 8,398,748 inhabitants and a population density of 6918 inhabitants per square kilometer (17918 / sq mi).

The population of La Palma in California is 15568

La Palma is a city in Orange County, California, United States. The population was 15,568 at the 2010 Census, up from 15,408 at the 2000 census.In 2013, La Palma was ranked 31st in the “Best places to live” among small cities (50,000 or less) in the United States by CNN’s Money magazine. In 2007, it was ranked 16th best place to live in the US. The rankings are based on the small-and-friendly neighborhood vibe, high-ranking schools, low crime-rate and the lowest police response time in Orange County.

Cities with a similar population size as La Palma

Here a list of cities that have a similar number of inhabitants like La Palma, California:

Cities with a similar size as La Palma

If you want to check which cities have a similar size as La Palma, California, here you go:

Cities with a similar population density as La Palma

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Cities from the same state: California

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