Animal Size

Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat size: How big do they get?

How big does a Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat get? Here is an overview over the average adult age:

A grown Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat (Crateromys schadenbergi) reaches an average size of 37.1 cm (1′ 3″).

When born, they have an average size of 0 cm (0′ 0″). The Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat (genus: Crateromys) is a member of the family Muridae.

As a reference: Humans reach an average body size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) while carrying 62 kg (137 lbs). A human woman is pregnant for 280 days (40 weeks) and on average become 75 years old.

The average adult size of a Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat is  (1' 3

The giant bushy-tailed cloud rat or Luzon bushy-tailed cloud rat (Crateromys schadenbergi) is a large, endangered species of rodent in the family Muridae. It is only found in pine and mossy forest at altitudes of 2,000–2,740 metres (6,560–8,990 ft) in the Central Cordillera of Luzon, the Philippines. Relatively little is known about its behavior, but it is nocturnal, mainly arboreal and feeds on various types of vegetation.It is rarer than the northern Luzon giant cloud rat, a shorter-haired species that mainly occurs at lower elevations, but locally the giant bushy-tailed cloud rat remains moderately common in oak-pine forest. The primary threats are hunting and habitat loss.The appearance of the giant bushy-tailed cloud rat has been described as spectacular, and it appears to be an equivalent of large tropical tree squirrels, which are not found in Luzon. It weighs 1.35–1.5 kilograms (3.0–3.3 lb) and is 73.5–76 centimetres (28.9–29.9 in) long. The very long, soft fur, which also covers the tail, is typically all black, but some individuals have white patches.

Animals of the same family as a Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat

We found other animals of the Muridae family:

Animals with the same size as a Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat

Not that size really matters, but it makes things comparable. So here are a couple of animals that are as big as Giant bushy-tailed cloud rat: