How many baby Angolan talapoins are in a litter?
A Angolan talapoin (Miopithecus talapoin) usually gives birth to around 1 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 164 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 180 grams (0.4 lbs) and measure 3.2 cm (0′ 2″). They are a member of the Cercopithecidae family (genus: Miopithecus). An adult Angolan talapoin grows up to a size of 35.5 cm (1′ 2″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The Angolan talapoin (Miopithecus talapoin), also known as the southern talapoin, is a species of primate in the family Cercopithecidae. Talapoins are the smallest species of Old-World monkeys.
Other animals of the family Cercopithecidae
Angolan talapoin is a member of the Cercopithecidae, as are these animals:
- Western red colobus with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Golden snub-nosed monkey with 1 babies per pregnancy
- White-fronted surili weighting around 6.12 kilograms (13.49 lbs)
- King colobus with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Black-footed gray langur weighting around 10.03 kilograms (22.11 lbs)
- Grivet with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Wolf’s mona monkey with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Black-crested Sumatran langur with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Sykes’ monkey with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Bonnet macaque with 1 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Angolan talapoin
Those animals also give birth to 1 babies at once:
- Golden bamboo lemur
- Sangihe tarsier
- Subalpine woolly rat
- Six-banded armadillo
- Black-winged little yellow bat
- White-tailed deer
- Large-footed bat
- Herbert River ringtail possum
- Doria’s tree-kangaroo
- Peleng tarsier
Animals that get as old as a Angolan talapoin
Other animals that usually reach the age of 30.83 years:
- Okapi with 33 years
- Sea otter with 30 years
- Spectacled bear with 36.42 years
- Guanaco with 28.25 years
- Amazonian manatee with 30 years
- Bobcat with 32.33 years
- South American sea lion with 24.75 years
- Drill (animal) with 33.33 years
- Olive baboon with 25.17 years
- Northern olingo with 25 years
Animals with the same weight as a Angolan talapoin
What other animals weight around 1.25 kg (2.75 lbs)?
- Coppery titi usually reaching 1.12 kgs (2.47 lbs)
- Cream-coloured giant squirrel usually reaching 1.16 kgs (2.56 lbs)
- Green ringtail possum usually reaching 1.15 kgs (2.54 lbs)
- Pichi usually reaching 1.49 kgs (3.28 lbs)
- Black flying squirrel usually reaching 1.19 kgs (2.62 lbs)
- Bengal slow loris usually reaching 1.14 kgs (2.51 lbs)
- Common kusimanse usually reaching 1.39 kgs (3.06 lbs)
- Brown greater galago usually reaching 1.22 kgs (2.69 lbs)
- Humboldt’s hog-nosed skunk usually reaching 1.1 kgs (2.43 lbs)
- Hodgson’s giant flying squirrel usually reaching 1.48 kgs (3.26 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Angolan talapoin
Also reaching around 35.5 cm (1′ 2″) in size do these animals:
- Hooded skunk gets as big as 30.8 cm (1′ 1″)
- Crowned lemur gets as big as 35.2 cm (1′ 2″)
- Red giant flying squirrel gets as big as 41.1 cm (1′ 5″)
- Little Swan Island hutia gets as big as 33.7 cm (1′ 2″)
- Chinese hare gets as big as 38 cm (1′ 3″)
- Mexican prairie dog gets as big as 34.2 cm (1′ 2″)
- American hog-nosed skunk gets as big as 42.2 cm (1′ 5″)
- Black lemur gets as big as 39.7 cm (1′ 4″)
- Northern olingo gets as big as 41.2 cm (1′ 5″)
- Indonesian mountain weasel gets as big as 30.9 cm (1′ 1″)