How many baby European hedgehogs are in a litter?
A European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) usually gives birth to around 4 babies.With 1 litters per year, that sums up to a yearly offspring of 4 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 37 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 15 grams (0.03 lbs) and measure 7 cm (0′ 3″). They are a member of the Erinaceidae family (genus: Erinaceus). An adult European hedgehog grows up to a size of 23.7 cm (0′ 10″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), also known as the West European hedgehog or common hedgehog, is a hedgehog species found in Europe, from Iberia and Italy northwards into Scandinavia. It is a generally common and widely distributed species that can survive across a wide range of habitat types. It is a well-known species, and a favorite in European gardens, both for its endearing appearance and its preference for eating a range of garden pests. While populations are currently stable across much of its range, it is thought to be declining severely in Great Britain.
Other animals of the family Erinaceidae
European hedgehog is a member of the Erinaceidae, as are these animals:
- Dinagat gymnure raching a size of 20 cm (0′ 8″)
- Desert hedgehog with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Indian hedgehog with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Moonrat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Four-toed hedgehog with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Southern white-breasted hedgehog with 5 babies per pregnancy
- Hugh’s hedgehog raching a size of 20 cm (0′ 8″)
- Shrew gymnure with 4 babies per pregnancy
- Desert hedgehog with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Daurian hedgehog raching a size of 21.5 cm (0′ 9″)
Animals that share a litter size with European hedgehog
Those animals also give birth to 4 babies at once:
- Boehm’s gerbil
- California pocket mouse
- Pygmy spotted skunk
- Gray four-eyed opossum
- Chestnut white-bellied rat
- Western heather vole
- Delicate slender opossum
- Groundhog
- Long-tailed shrew
- Gunnison’s prairie dog
Animals that get as old as a European hedgehog
Other animals that usually reach the age of 14 years:
- Harnessed bushbuck with 13 years
- Raccoon dog with 14 years
- Northern flying squirrel with 13 years
- Southern needle-clawed bushbaby with 15 years
- Pronghorn with 12 years
- Sable with 15 years
- Common noctule with 12 years
- Banded palm civet with 12 years
- Markhor with 14 years
- Soemmerring’s gazelle with 15.5 years
Animals with the same weight as a European hedgehog
What other animals weight around 789 grams (1.74 lbs)?
- Brush rabbit weighting 716 grams
- Javan mongoose weighting 758 grams
- Peruvian night monkey weighting 800 grams
- Black-capped squirrel monkey weighting 802 grams
- Desert cottontail weighting 882 grams
- Ring-tailed vontsira weighting 815 grams
- Striped polecat weighting 812 grams
- Aotus infulatus weighting 800 grams
- Bare-eared squirrel monkey weighting 888 grams
- Indian flying fox weighting 822 grams
Animals with the same size as a European hedgehog
Also reaching around 23.7 cm (0′ 10″) in size do these animals:
- Tome’s spiny rat gets as big as 22.9 cm (0′ 10″)
- Giant Atlantic tree-rat gets as big as 28.1 cm (1′ 0″)
- Great Key Island giant rat gets as big as 27.5 cm (0′ 11″)
- Deppe’s squirrel gets as big as 20 cm (0′ 8″)
- Lyle’s flying fox gets as big as 23.7 cm (0′ 10″)
- Mount Data shrew-rat gets as big as 20.1 cm (0′ 8″)
- Luzon hairy-tailed rat gets as big as 20.4 cm (0′ 9″)
- Silvery lutung gets as big as 25.8 cm (0′ 11″)
- Southern Plains woodrat gets as big as 21.3 cm (0′ 9″)
- Peruvian tuco-tuco gets as big as 23.8 cm (0′ 10″)