How many baby Hairy-legged vampire bats are in a litter?
A Hairy-legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata) usually gives birth to around 1 babies.
Upon birth, they weight 4 grams (0.01 lbs) and measure 27.5 cm (0′ 11″). They are a member of the Phyllostomidae family (genus: Diphylla). An adult Hairy-legged vampire bat grows up to a size of 7.9 cm (0′ 4″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The hairy-legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata) is one of three extant species of vampire bats. It mainly feeds on the blood of wild birds, but can also feed both on domestic birds and humans. This vampire bat lives mainly in tropical and subtropical forestlands of South America, Central America, and southern Mexico. It is the sole member of the genus Diphylla.
Other animals of the family Phyllostomidae
Hairy-legged vampire bat is a member of the Phyllostomidae, as are these animals:
- Insular single leaf bat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Silky short-tailed bat weighting only 14 grams
- Marinkelle’s sword-nosed bat weighting only 17 grams
- Dark fruit-eating bat weighting only 35 grams
- Little big-eared bat weighting only 6 grams
- Thomas’s fruit-eating bat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Heller’s broad-nosed bat weighting only 13 grams
- Wrinkle-faced bat weighting only 23 grams
- Hairy yellow-shouldered bat weighting only 15 grams
- Davies’s big-eared bat weighting only 18 grams
Animals that share a litter size with Hairy-legged vampire bat
Those animals also give birth to 1 babies at once:
- Chital
- Mantled howler
- Western broad-nosed bat
- Dwarf brocket
- Southern hairy-nosed wombat
- African savanna hare
- Red-tailed monkey
- Cape serotine
- Water buffalo
- Asian golden cat
Animals with the same weight as a Hairy-legged vampire bat
What other animals weight around 28 grams (0.06 lbs)?
- Shadowy broad-nosed bat weighting 25 grams
- Zacatecan deer mouse weighting 27 grams
- Chinese dormouse weighting 31 grams
- Oligoryzomys arenalis weighting 25 grams
- Kultarr weighting 25 grams
- Big crested mastiff bat weighting 29 grams
- Sminthopsis laniger weighting 26 grams
- Bibimys chacoensis weighting 28 grams
- Anderson’s gerbil weighting 27 grams
- Kemp’s grass mouse weighting 26 grams
Animals with the same size as a Hairy-legged vampire bat
Also reaching around 7.9 cm (0′ 4″) in size do these animals:
- Chinese mole shrew gets as big as 9.4 cm (0′ 4″)
- Ranee mouse gets as big as 7.5 cm (0′ 3″)
- Mexican long-tongued bat gets as big as 6.6 cm (0′ 3″)
- White-footed mouse gets as big as 9.4 cm (0′ 4″)
- Steppe mouse gets as big as 7.5 cm (0′ 3″)
- Common tube-nosed fruit bat gets as big as 8.2 cm (0′ 4″)
- Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat gets as big as 8.6 cm (0′ 4″)
- Nubra pika gets as big as 7.5 cm (0′ 3″)
- Chinese shrew gets as big as 7 cm (0′ 3″)
- Mediterranean water shrew gets as big as 7.5 cm (0′ 3″)