How many baby Pygmy hippopotamuss are in a litter?
A Pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) usually gives birth to around 1 babies.With 1 litters per year, that sums up to a yearly offspring of 1 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 200 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 5.73 kg (12.63 lbs) and measure 1.3 cm (0′ 1″). They are a member of the Hippopotamidae family (genus: Hexaprotodon). An adult Pygmy hippopotamus grows up to a size of 1.6 meter (5′ 3″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis) is a small hippopotamid which is native to the forests and swamps of West Africa, primarily in Liberia, with small populations in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast.The pygmy hippo is reclusive and nocturnal. It is one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being its much larger relative, the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) or Nile hippopotamus. The pygmy hippopotamus displays many terrestrial adaptations, but like the hippo, it is semiaquatic and relies on water to keep its skin moist and its body temperature cool. Behaviors such as mating and giving birth may occur in water or on land. The pygmy hippo is herbivorous, feeding on ferns, broad-leaved plants, grasses, and fruits it finds in the forests.A rare nocturnal forest creature, the pygmy hippopotamus is a difficult animal to study in the wild.Pygmy hippos were unknown outside West Africa until the 19th century. Introduced to zoos in the early 20th century, they breed well in captivity and the vast majority of research is derived from zoo specimens. The survival of the species in captivity is more assured than in the wild; the World Conservation Union estimates that fewer than 3,000 pygmy hippos remain in the wild.Pygmy hippos are primarily threatened by loss of habitat, as forests are logged and converted to farm land, and are also vulnerable to poaching, hunting for bushmeat, natural predators, and war. Pygmy hippos are among the species illegally hunted for food in Liberia.
Other animals of the family Hippopotamidae
Pygmy hippopotamus is a member of the Hippopotamidae, as are these animals:
- Hippopotamus with 1 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Pygmy hippopotamus
Those animals also give birth to 1 babies at once:
- Taruca
- Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroo
- Grizzled tree-kangaroo
- Dent’s vlei rat
- Whiskered bat
- Zebra duiker
- Steenbok
- Gelada
- Common brown lemur
- Narrow-striped mongoose
Animals that get as old as a Pygmy hippopotamus
Other animals that usually reach the age of 43.75 years:
- Grey seal with 46.67 years
- Harbor seal with 40 years
- Short-beaked echidna with 50 years
- Lar gibbon with 40 years
- Spotted seal with 35.5 years
- Rhesus macaque with 36 years
- South American tapir with 35 years
- Striped dolphin with 50 years
- Melon-headed whale with 47 years
- Lion-tailed macaque with 40 years
Animals with the same weight as a Pygmy hippopotamus
What other animals weight around 231 kg (509.27 lbs)?
- South American sea lion usually reaching 194 kgs (427.7 lbs)
- Tamaraw usually reaching 252.7 kgs (557.11 lbs)
- Irrawaddy dolphin usually reaching 190 kgs (418.88 lbs)
- Melon-headed whale usually reaching 206 kgs (454.15 lbs)
- Australian sea lion usually reaching 189.14 kgs (416.98 lbs)
- East African oryx usually reaching 200.58 kgs (442.2 lbs)
- Scimitar oryx usually reaching 198.4 kgs (437.4 lbs)
- Onager usually reaching 235.62 kgs (519.45 lbs)
- Waterbuck usually reaching 203.2 kgs (447.98 lbs)
- Caribbean monk seal usually reaching 198.38 kgs (437.35 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Pygmy hippopotamus
Also reaching around 1.6 meter (5′ 3″) in size do these animals:
- Puku gets as big as 1.34 meter (4′ 5″)
- Guanaco gets as big as 1.47 meter (4′ 11″)
- Caspian seal gets as big as 1.41 meter (4′ 8″)
- Saola gets as big as 1.75 meter (5′ 9″)
- Spectacled bear gets as big as 1.77 meter (5′ 10″)
- Anoa gets as big as 1.73 meter (5′ 9″)
- Vicuña gets as big as 1.58 meter (5′ 3″)
- Siberian roe deer gets as big as 1.32 meter (4′ 4″)
- Javan rusa gets as big as 1.63 meter (5′ 5″)
- South American fur seal gets as big as 1.65 meter (5′ 6″)