It is hard to guess what a Black howler weights. But we have the answer:
An adult Black howler (Alouatta caraya) on average weights 5.58 kg (12.31 lbs).
The Black howler is from the family Cebidae (genus: Alouatta). It is usually born with about 261 grams (0.58 lbs). They can live for up to 20.25 years. When reaching adult age, they grow up to 55.9 cm (1′ 11″). Usually, Black howlers have 1 babies per litter.
As a reference: An average human weights in at 62 kg (137 lbs) and reaches an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). Humans spend 280 days (40 weeks) in the womb of their mother and reach around 75 years of age.
The black howler (Alouatta caraya) (also known as black-and-gold howler) is a species of howler monkey, a large New World monkey, from northeastern Argentina, eastern Bolivia, eastern and southern Brazil, and Paraguay. Together with the brown howler, it is the southernmost member of the Alouatta genus. Only the adult male is black; adult females and juveniles of both genders are overall whitish to yellowish-buff. However, variations occur even among the adult males; some have patches of reddish-brown or buff fur.They live in groups of three to 19 individuals (usually seven to 9). The sex ratio is usually one to three males for every seven to nine females in a group. Mating occurs within the group.Named for their vocalizations, they may be heard most often around sunrise. This “dawn chorus” sounds much more like roaring than howling, and it announces the howlers’ position as a means to avoiding conflict with other groups. The call can be heard up to 5 km away.These monkeys commonly sleep or rest up to 70% of the day, making it one of the least active monkeys in the New World. Their habitat is forest, especially semideciduous and gallery. Black howlers are folivorous, eating mostly leaves, and occasionally fruit, such as figs. They generally prefer walking and climbing to running or leaping. The prehensile tail is very strong and acts as a fifth limb, allowing the monkeys greater versatility when climbing and allowing them greater safety in the occasional fall from a high branch. Because their limb structure makes terrestrial movement awkward, they spend most of their time in the trees and only come down for water during dry spells. Otherwise, the monkeys drink by wetting their hands on moist leaves, and then licking the water off their hands. Their lifespans are up to 20 years, but more commonly 15 years in the wild. In Argentina it is commonly kept as a pet due to its gentle nature.
Animals of the same family as a Black howler
We found other animals of the Cebidae family:
- Maués marmoset with a weight of 443 grams
- Colombian white-faced capuchin bringing 3.01 kilos (6.64 lbs) to the scale
- Hershkovitz’s marmoset with 2 babies per litter
- Ashy black titi with a weight of 992 grams
- Black squirrel monkey with a weight of 784 grams
- Bolivian red howler bringing 6.61 kilos (14.57 lbs) to the scale
- Gray-bellied night monkey with a weight of 800 grams
- Rio Tapajós saki bringing 2.31 kilos (5.09 lbs) to the scale
- Brumback’s night monkey with a weight of 603 grams
- Central American squirrel monkey with a weight of 714 grams
Animals with the same weight as a Black howler
As a comparison, here are some other animals that weight as much as the Alouatta caraya:
- Kloss’s gibbon with a weight of 5.84 kilos (12.87 lbs)
- Chinese mountain cat with a weight of 5.49 kilos (12.1 lbs)
- Pampas fox with a weight of 4.54 kilos (10.01 lbs)
- Allen’s swamp monkey with a weight of 4.75 kilos (10.47 lbs)
- White-fronted surili with a weight of 6.12 kilos (13.49 lbs)
- Giant bandicoot with a weight of 4.8 kilos (10.58 lbs)
- Red-handed howler with a weight of 6.17 kilos (13.6 lbs)
- White-thighed surili with a weight of 5.9 kilos (13.01 lbs)
- Coypu with a weight of 6.36 kilos (14.02 lbs)
- Blue duiker with a weight of 4.86 kilos (10.71 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Black howler
Not that size really matters, but it makes things comparable. So here are a couple of animals that are as big as Black howler:
- Giant bandicoot with a size of 51.5 cm (1′ 9″)
- Geoffroy’s cat with a size of 57.6 cm (1′ 11″)
- Eastern falanouc with a size of 54.9 cm (1′ 10″)
- Asian palm civet with a size of 53.3 cm (1′ 9″)
- Nilgiri langur with a size of 55.3 cm (1′ 10″)
- Spotted-necked otter with a size of 59.4 cm (2′ 0″)
- Indian pangolin with a size of 54.3 cm (1′ 10″)
- Liberian mongoose with a size of 45 cm (1′ 6″)
- Vancouver Island marmot with a size of 46.7 cm (1′ 7″)
- Gee’s golden langur with a size of 60.5 cm (2′ 0″)
Animals with the same litter size as a Black howler
Here is a list of animals that have the same number of babies per litter (1) as a Black howler:
- Naemorhedus sumatraensis
- Tailed tailless bat
- Desert rat-kangaroo
- Barbary sheep
- Narrow-striped mongoose
- Silky cuscus
- Angola colobus
- Eld’s deer
- Speke’s gazelle
- Nilgiri tahr
Animals with the same life expectancy as a Black howler
Completely different animals, but becoming as old as a Black howler:
- Muskox with an average maximal age of 24 years
- Bahamian raccoon with an average maximal age of 21 years
- Bharal with an average maximal age of 24 years
- Celebes crested macaque with an average maximal age of 18 years
- Red-necked wallaby with an average maximal age of 19 years
- Big hairy armadillo with an average maximal age of 20 years
- Chamois with an average maximal age of 22 years
- Nilgiri tahr with an average maximal age of 17.25 years
- Gemsbok with an average maximal age of 20 years
- European pine marten with an average maximal age of 17 years