Animal Size

Palawan stink badger size: How big do they get?

How big does a Palawan stink badger get? Here is an overview over the average adult age:

A grown Palawan stink badger (Mydaus marchei) reaches an average size of 39 cm (1′ 4″).

When born, they have an average size of 0 cm (0′ 0″). A full-grown exemplary reaches roughly 2.5 kg (5.51 lbs). The Palawan stink badger (genus: Mydaus) is a member of the family Mustelidae.

As a reference: Humans reach an average body size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) while carrying 62 kg (137 lbs). A human woman is pregnant for 280 days (40 weeks) and on average become 75 years old.

The average adult size of a Palawan stink badger is  (1' 4

The Palawan stink badger (Mydaus marchei), or pantot, is a carnivoran of the western Philippines named for its resemblance to badgers, its powerful smell, and the largest island to which it is native, Palawan. Like all stink badgers, the Palawan stink badger was once thought to share a more recent common ancestor with badgers than with skunks. Recent genetic evidence, however, has led to their re-classification as one of the Mephitidae, the skunk family of mammals. It is the size of a large skunk or small badger, and uses its badger-like body to dig by night for invertebrates in open areas near patches of brush. While it lacks the whitish dorsal patches typical of its closest relatives, predators and hunters generally avoid the powerful noxious chemicals it can spray from the specialized anal glands characteristic of mephitids.

Animals of the same family as a Palawan stink badger

We found other animals of the Mustelidae family:

Animals with the same size as a Palawan stink badger

Not that size really matters, but it makes things comparable. So here are a couple of animals that are as big as Palawan stink badger:

Animals with the same weight as a Palawan stink badger

As a comparison, here are some other animals that weight as much as the Mydaus marchei: