How big does a Sowerby’s beaked whale get? Here is an overview over the average adult age:
A grown Sowerby’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens) reaches an average size of 5.03 meter (16′ 7″).
When born, they have an average size of 0 cm (0′ 0″). A full-grown exemplary reaches roughly 3400 kg (7495.71 lbs). A Sowerby’s beaked whale has 1 babies at once. The Sowerby’s beaked whale (genus: Mesoplodon) is a member of the family Ziphiidae.
As a reference: Humans reach an average body size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) while carrying 62 kg (137 lbs). A human woman is pregnant for 280 days (40 weeks) and on average become 75 years old.
Sowerby’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens), also known as the North Atlantic or North Sea beaked whale, is a species of toothed whale. It was the first mesoplodont whale to be described. James Sowerby, an English naturalist and artist, first described the species in 1804 from a skull obtained from a male that had stranded in the Moray Firth, Scotland, in 1800. He named it bidens, which derives from the two teeth present in the jaw, now known to be a very common feature among the genus.
Animals of the same family as a Sowerby’s beaked whale
We found other animals of the Ziphiidae family:
- Hubbs’ beaked whale with a size of 5.4 meter (17′ 9″)
- Stejneger’s beaked whale with a size of 6.09 meter (20′ 0″)
- Blainville’s beaked whale with a size of 4.59 meter (15′ 1″)
- Northern bottlenose whale with a size of 8.79 meter (28′ 10″)
- Strap-toothed whale bringing 1500 kilos (3306.93 lbs) to the scale
- Southern bottlenose whale with a size of 6.7 meter (22′ 0″)
- Gervais’ beaked whale with a size of 6.71 meter (22′ 1″)
- Shepherd’s beaked whale bringing 2500 kilos (5511.55 lbs) to the scale
- True’s beaked whale with a size of 5.18 meter (17′ 0″)
- Berardius with an average maximal age of 71 years
Animals with the same size as a Sowerby’s beaked whale
Not that size really matters, but it makes things comparable. So here are a couple of animals that are as big as Sowerby’s beaked whale:
- Blainville’s beaked whale with a size of 4.59 meter (15′ 1″)
- Narwhal with a size of 5.1 meter (16′ 9″)
- Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale with a size of 4.88 meter (16′ 1″)
- Common minke whale with a size of 5.53 meter (18′ 2″)
- Andrews’ beaked whale with a size of 4.26 meter (14′ 0″)
- Northern giraffe with a size of 4.18 meter (13′ 9″)
- Long-finned pilot whale with a size of 5.69 meter (18′ 9″)
- Beluga whale with a size of 4.25 meter (14′ 0″)
- Hubbs’ beaked whale with a size of 5.4 meter (17′ 9″)
- True’s beaked whale with a size of 5.18 meter (17′ 0″)
Animals with the same litter size as a Sowerby’s beaked whale
Here is a list of animals that have the same number of babies per litter (1) as a Sowerby’s beaked whale:
- Mona monkey
- Nyala
- Dusky elephant shrew
- Yellow-winged bat
- Brazilian brown bat
- Agile gibbon
- Dugong
- Tenkile
- Tasmanian pademelon
- Striped dolphin
Animals with the same weight as a Sowerby’s beaked whale
As a comparison, here are some other animals that weight as much as the Mesoplodon bidens:
- Gray’s beaked whale with a weight of 2900 kilos (6393.4 lbs)
- Steller’s sea cow with a weight of 4000 kilos (8818.48 lbs)
- Southern bottlenose whale with a weight of 3000 kilos (6613.86 lbs)
- Hubbs’ beaked whale with a weight of 3400 kilos (7495.71 lbs)
- African bush elephant with a weight of 3882.27 kilos (8558.93 lbs)
- Asian elephant with a weight of 3294.9 kilos (7264 lbs)
- Northern bottlenose whale with a weight of 3391.68 kilos (7477.37 lbs)