What is the maximal age a Long-tailed pygmy possum reaches?
An adult Long-tailed pygmy possum (Cercartetus caudatus) usually gets as old as 3.17 years.
When born, they weight 48.5 kg (106.92 lbs) and measure 20 cm (0′ 8″). As a member of the Burramyidae family (genus: Cercartetus), a Long-tailed pygmy possum caries out around 2 little ones per pregnancy, which happens around 2 times a year. Fully grown, they reach a bodylength of 9.8 cm (0′ 4″).
As a reference: Usually, humans get as old as 100 years, with the average being around 75 years. After being carried in the belly of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks), they grow to an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) and weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual.
The long-tailed pygmy possum (Cercartetus caudatus) is a diprotodont marsupial found in the rainforests of northern Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. Living at altitudes of above 1,500 m, it eats insects and nectar, and may eat pollen in place of insects in the wild.
Animals of the same family as a Long-tailed pygmy possum
Not really brothers and sisters, but from the same biological family (Burramyidae):
- Mountain pygmy possum becoming 12 years old
- Eastern pygmy possum becoming 8 years old
- Tasmanian pygmy possum with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Western pygmy possum with 4 babies per pregnancy
Animals that reach the same age as Long-tailed pygmy possum
With an average age of 3.17 years, Long-tailed pygmy possum are in good companionship of the following animals:
- Siberian flying squirrel usually reaching 3.75 years
- Southwestern myotis usually reaching 3.17 years
- Sminthopsis laniger usually reaching 3.25 years
- Southwestern water vole usually reaching 3.5 years
- Japanese mountain mole usually reaching 3 years
- Four-striped grass mouse usually reaching 2.83 years
- Southern brown bandicoot usually reaching 3.75 years
- Winter white dwarf hamster usually reaching 3.17 years
- Vinogradov’s jird usually reaching 3.33 years
- Ooldea dunnart usually reaching 3 years
Animals with the same number of babies Long-tailed pygmy possum
The same number of babies at once (2) are born by:
- Chiruromys lamia
- Black-shouldered opossum
- Buller’s chipmunk
- Chinese mole shrew
- Blanford’s rat
- Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel
- European hare
- Northern yellow bat
- California red tree mouse
- San Lorenzo mouse
Weighting as much as Long-tailed pygmy possum
A fully grown Long-tailed pygmy possum reaches around 23 grams (0.05 lbs). So do these animals:
- White-bellied yellow bat with 20 grams
- Blackish white-toothed shrew with 20 grams
- Brazilian arboreal mouse with 21 grams
- Hummelinck’s vesper mouse with 27 grams
- Harlequin bat with 22 grams
- Hairy-eared cerrado mouse with 24 grams
- Olive grass mouse with 19 grams
- Chinese mole shrew with 20 grams
- Long-nosed caenolestid with 21 grams
- Buffoon striped grass mouse with 26 grams
Animals as big as a Long-tailed pygmy possum
Those animals grow as big as a Long-tailed pygmy possum:
- Northern caenolestid with 10.6 cm (0′ 5″)
- Nicobar shrew with 10 cm (0′ 4″)
- Cape serotine with 8.2 cm (0′ 4″)
- Sclater’s golden mole with 10 cm (0′ 4″)
- Mole-like rice tenrec with 10.4 cm (0′ 5″)
- Desert dormouse with 8.4 cm (0′ 4″)
- Chacoan pygmy opossum with 8.9 cm (0′ 4″)
- Northern red-backed vole with 10.9 cm (0′ 5″)
- Cameroon soft-furred mouse with 11.5 cm (0′ 5″)
- Least pygmy squirrel with 8.3 cm (0′ 4″)