How many baby Coruros are in a litter?
A Coruro (Spalacopus cyanus) usually gives birth to around 3 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 80 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 8 grams (0.02 lbs) and measure 5.6 cm (0′ 3″). They are a member of the Octodontidae family (genus: Spalacopus). An adult Coruro grows up to a size of 13.2 cm (0′ 6″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The coruro (Spalacopus cyanus) is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is monotypic within the genus Spalacopus. The species is endemic to central Chile, where it has been found in a wide variety of habitats, from coastal to montane. It is fossorial and lives in colonies.
Other animals of the family Octodontidae
Coruro is a member of the Octodontidae, as are these animals:
- Mountain degu with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Common degu with 5 babies per pregnancy
- Moon-toothed degu weighting only 200 grams
- Sage’s rock rat weighting only 96 grams
- Mountain viscacha rat weighting only 124 grams
- Plains viscacha rat weighting only 86 grams
- Chilean rock rat with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Bridges’s degu weighting only 162 grams
Animals that share a litter size with Coruro
Those animals also give birth to 3 babies at once:
- Plains harvest mouse
- Dolorous grass mouse
- Four-toed hedgehog
- Crosse’s shrew
- Yucatan deer mouse
- Creeping vole
- Dark kangaroo mouse
- Lesser mole-rat
- Ungava collared lemming
- Nephelomys albigularis
Animals that get as old as a Coruro
Other animals that usually reach the age of 6 years:
- Uinta ground squirrel with 5 years
- Northern grasshopper mouse with 5 years
- White-tailed antelope squirrel with 5.75 years
- African striped weasel with 5.17 years
- Serotine bat with 6 years
- Garden dormouse with 5.5 years
- Eastern barred bandicoot with 5.5 years
- European water vole with 5 years
- Bank vole with 4.83 years
- Saharan striped polecat with 5 years
Animals with the same weight as a Coruro
What other animals weight around 101 grams (0.22 lbs)?
- Long-haired rousette weighting 104 grams
- Kaiser’s rock rat weighting 90 grams
- Plain brush-tailed rat weighting 105 grams
- Gregarious short-tailed rat weighting 92 grams
- Peters’s epauletted fruit bat weighting 95 grams
- Japanese mole weighting 82 grams
- Kowari weighting 112 grams
- White-bellied woolly mouse opossum weighting 93 grams
- Lewis’s tuco-tuco weighting 117 grams
- Tristram’s jird weighting 112 grams
Animals with the same size as a Coruro
Also reaching around 13.2 cm (0′ 6″) in size do these animals:
- Four-toed rice tenrec gets as big as 10.7 cm (0′ 5″)
- Hairy-tailed bolo mouse gets as big as 14.5 cm (0′ 6″)
- Moss-forest rat gets as big as 12.1 cm (0′ 5″)
- Salvin’s spiny pocket mouse gets as big as 10.8 cm (0′ 5″)
- Broad-striped dasyure gets as big as 12.9 cm (0′ 6″)
- Mitchell’s hopping mouse gets as big as 11.3 cm (0′ 5″)
- Rossel Island melomys gets as big as 13.9 cm (0′ 6″)
- Siberian chipmunk gets as big as 14.8 cm (0′ 6″)
- Jentink’s flying squirrel gets as big as 13.1 cm (0′ 6″)
- Bramble Cay melomys gets as big as 14.7 cm (0′ 6″)