How many baby Fennec foxs are in a litter?
A Fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) usually gives birth to around 2 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 51 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 28 grams (0.06 lbs) and measure 11.1 cm (0′ 5″). They are a member of the Canidae family (genus: Vulpes). An adult Fennec fox grows up to a size of 37.5 cm (1′ 3″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda), also called fennec or desert fox, is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert, the Sinai Peninsula, Arava desert South West Israel, and the Arabian desert. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which also serve to dissipate heat. Its name comes from this species’ name in Arabic: fanak (فَنَك). The fennec is the smallest species of canid. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to high-temperature, low-water, desert environments. Also, its hearing is sensitive enough to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds.The fennec has a life span of up to 14 years in captivity and about 10 years in the wild. Its main predators are the African varieties of eagle owl, jackals, and other large mammals. Families of fennecs dig out dens in the sand for habitation and protection, which can be as large as 120 m2 (1,292 sq ft) and adjoin the dens of other families. Precise population figures are not known but are estimated from the frequency of sightings; these indicate that the animal is currently not threatened by extinction. Knowledge of social interactions is limited to information gathered from captive animals. The species is usually assigned to the genus Vulpes; however, this is debated due to differences between the fennec fox and other fox species. The fennec’s fur is prized by the indigenous peoples of North Africa, and in some parts of the world, the animal is considered an exotic pet.
Other animals of the family Canidae
Fennec fox is a member of the Canidae, as are these animals:
- Wolf with 4 babies per pregnancy
- Black-backed jackal with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Cape fox with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Pampas fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Tibetan sand fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Crab-eating fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Pampas fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Gray fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Bengal fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Hoary fox with 3 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Fennec fox
Those animals also give birth to 2 babies at once:
- Tatra pine vole
- Grassland mosaic-tailed rat
- Fawn hopping mouse
- Grey-bellied squirrel
- Rusty-spotted genet
- Mountain beaver
- Eurasian beaver
- Leopard cat
- Northern yellow bat
- Siberian roe deer
Animals that get as old as a Fennec fox
Other animals that usually reach the age of 14.58 years:
- Agile wallaby with 12 years
- Speke’s gazelle with 12.67 years
- Markhor with 14 years
- Greater fairy armadillo with 12 years
- Blue duiker with 12 years
- Zebra duiker with 12.17 years
- Masoala fork-marked lemur with 12 years
- Brown hyena with 17 years
- Lowland paca with 16 years
- Grey long-eared bat with 15 years
Animals with the same weight as a Fennec fox
What other animals weight around 1.32 kg (2.91 lbs)?
- Brazilian three-banded armadillo usually reaching 1.49 kgs (3.28 lbs)
- Northern brown bandicoot usually reaching 1.51 kgs (3.33 lbs)
- Black-headed night monkey usually reaching 1.06 kgs (2.34 lbs)
- Sumatran striped rabbit usually reaching 1.51 kgs (3.33 lbs)
- Philippine flying lemur usually reaching 1.25 kgs (2.76 lbs)
- Golden bamboo lemur usually reaching 1.57 kgs (3.46 lbs)
- Atlantic titi usually reaching 1.39 kgs (3.06 lbs)
- Red giant flying squirrel usually reaching 1.54 kgs (3.4 lbs)
- Rufous hare-wallaby usually reaching 1.41 kgs (3.11 lbs)
- Northern brushtail possum usually reaching 1.55 kgs (3.42 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Fennec fox
Also reaching around 37.5 cm (1′ 3″) in size do these animals:
- Long-footed potoroo gets as big as 35.9 cm (1′ 3″)
- Broad-striped Malagasy mongoose gets as big as 31.9 cm (1′ 1″)
- Mexican cottontail gets as big as 43.5 cm (1′ 6″)
- Rusty-spotted cat gets as big as 40.6 cm (1′ 4″)
- Chinese pangolin gets as big as 37.9 cm (1′ 3″)
- Spotted linsang gets as big as 35.4 cm (1′ 2″)
- Cape hare gets as big as 42.6 cm (1′ 5″)
- Black-footed cat gets as big as 40.1 cm (1′ 4″)
- Large-spotted civet gets as big as 42.4 cm (1′ 5″)
- White-footed saki gets as big as 39.4 cm (1′ 4″)