How many baby Hirolas are in a litter?
A Hirola (Damaliscus hunteri) usually gives birth to around 1 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 252 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 8.35 kg (18.41 lbs) and measure 62.1 cm (2′ 1″). They are a member of the Bovidae family (genus: Damaliscus). An adult Hirola grows up to a size of 1.6 meter (5′ 3″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The hirola (Beatragus hunteri), Hunter’s hartebeest or Hunter’s antelope, is a critically endangered antelope species found on the border between Kenya and Somalia. They were discovered by Kenyans living in the area in 1888 It is the only extant member of the genus Beatragus. The global hirola population is estimated at 300–500 animals, there are no hirola in captivity and the wild population continues to decline. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List “The loss of the Hirola would be the first extinction of a mammalian genus on mainland Africa in modern human history.”
Other animals of the family Bovidae
Hirola is a member of the Bovidae, as are these animals:
- Suni with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Black wildebeest with 1 babies per pregnancy
- East Caucasian tur with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Puku with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Thomson’s gazelle with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Japanese serow with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Soemmerring’s gazelle with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Chinkara weighting around 18.91 kilograms (41.69 lbs)
- Kouprey weighting around 788.66 kilograms (1738.7 lbs)
- Snow sheep with 1 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Hirola
Those animals also give birth to 1 babies at once:
- Sugar glider
- Bohor reedbuck
- Kuhl’s pipistrelle
- Long-tailed pangolin
- Niceforo’s big-eared bat
- African manatee
- Zempoaltepec deer mouse
- Southern dog-faced bat
- Mule deer
- Black-footed cat
Animals that get as old as a Hirola
Other animals that usually reach the age of 15.17 years:
- Common tsessebe with 18 years
- Natterer’s bat with 15 years
- Common bent-wing bat with 14 years
- Gray fox with 15 years
- Golden jackal with 16 years
- Markhor with 14 years
- Common duiker with 14.25 years
- Giant armadillo with 15 years
- Thylacine with 13 years
- Indian pangolin with 13.5 years
Animals with the same weight as a Hirola
What other animals weight around 78.6 kg (173.28 lbs)?
- Subantarctic fur seal usually reaching 92.21 kgs (203.29 lbs)
- Himalayan tahr usually reaching 68.26 kgs (150.49 lbs)
- Bontebok usually reaching 77.24 kgs (170.28 lbs)
- Javan rusa usually reaching 66.38 kgs (146.34 lbs)
- Ringed seal usually reaching 70.96 kgs (156.44 lbs)
- Dama gazelle usually reaching 70.4 kgs (155.21 lbs)
- Nile lechwe usually reaching 85.5 kgs (188.5 lbs)
- White-tailed deer usually reaching 75.6 kgs (166.67 lbs)
- Spectacled porpoise usually reaching 65 kgs (143.3 lbs)
- Taruca usually reaching 68.6 kgs (151.24 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Hirola
Also reaching around 1.6 meter (5′ 3″) in size do these animals:
- Caspian seal gets as big as 1.41 meter (4′ 8″)
- Naemorhedus sumatraensis gets as big as 1.45 meter (4′ 10″)
- South American fur seal gets as big as 1.65 meter (5′ 6″)
- Red river hog gets as big as 1.37 meter (4′ 6″)
- Dall sheep gets as big as 1.42 meter (4′ 8″)
- Western gorilla gets as big as 1.6 meter (5′ 3″)
- Mule deer gets as big as 1.52 meter (5′ 0″)
- Sea otter gets as big as 1.44 meter (4′ 9″)
- Subantarctic fur seal gets as big as 1.63 meter (5′ 4″)
- Lion gets as big as 1.84 meter (6′ 1″)