How many baby Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rats are in a litter?
A Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat (Proechimys dimidiatus) usually gives birth to around 2 babies.
Upon birth, they weight 24 grams (0.05 lbs) and measure 19.1 cm (0′ 8″). They are a member of the Echimyidae family (genus: Proechimys). An adult Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat grows up to a size of 19.7 cm (0′ 8″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The soft-spined Atlantic spiny-rat, Trinomys dimidiatus, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is endemic to Brazil.
Other animals of the family Echimyidae
Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat is a member of the Echimyidae, as are these animals:
- ParĂ¡ spiny tree-rat weighting only 108 grams
- Orange-brown Atlantic tree-rat weighting only 296 grams
- Broad-headed spiny rat weighting only 201 grams
- Black-spined Atlantic tree-rat weighting only 224 grams
- Short-tailed spiny rat weighting only 285 grams
- Guyenne spiny rat with 2 babies per pregnancy
- White-spined Atlantic spiny rat weighting only 284 grams
- Pacific spiny rat weighting only 284 grams
- Roberto’s spiny rat weighting only 285 grams
- Colombian soft-furred spiny rat weighting only 394 grams
Animals that share a litter size with Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat
Those animals also give birth to 2 babies at once:
- Jungle palm squirrel
- American badger
- Coxing’s white-bellied rat
- Common rock rat
- Cape porcupine
- Ashy chinchilla rat
- Guyenne spiny rat
- Babault’s mouse shrew
- Java pipistrelle
- California kangaroo rat
Animals with the same weight as a Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat
What other animals weight around 168 grams (0.37 lbs)?
- Lorentz’s mosaic-tailed rat weighting 150 grams
- Chacoan tuco-tuco weighting 166 grams
- Desert woodrat weighting 144 grams
- Biak naked-backed fruit bat weighting 200 grams
- Mexican ground squirrel weighting 177 grams
- Chestnut-bellied spiny rat weighting 159 grams
- Nectomys squamipes weighting 185 grams
- Pygmy ringtail possum weighting 152 grams
- Smoky pocket gopher weighting 150 grams
- Bolivian squirrel weighting 190 grams
Animals with the same size as a Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat
Also reaching around 19.7 cm (0′ 8″) in size do these animals:
- Sikkim rat gets as big as 18.9 cm (0′ 8″)
- Yellow-faced pocket gopher gets as big as 19.2 cm (0′ 8″)
- Mountain spiny rat gets as big as 16.7 cm (0′ 7″)
- Daurian hedgehog gets as big as 21.5 cm (0′ 9″)
- Sado mole gets as big as 16.3 cm (0′ 7″)
- New Britain naked-backed fruit bat gets as big as 16.1 cm (0′ 7″)
- Richardson’s ground squirrel gets as big as 21.1 cm (0′ 9″)
- Black rat gets as big as 19.4 cm (0′ 8″)
- Round-tailed muskrat gets as big as 19.9 cm (0′ 8″)
- Orange-brown Atlantic tree-rat gets as big as 22.7 cm (0′ 9″)