What is the maximal age a American hog-nosed skunk reaches?
An adult American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) usually gets as old as 7 years.
American hog-nosed skunks are around 61 days in the womb of their mother. When born, they weight 1 grams (0 lbs) and measure 2.9 cm (0′ 2″). As a member of the Mustelidae family (genus: Conepatus), a American hog-nosed skunk caries out around 3 little ones per pregnancy, which happens around 1 times a year. Fully grown, they reach a bodylength of 42.2 cm (1′ 5″).
As a reference: Usually, humans get as old as 100 years, with the average being around 75 years. After being carried in the belly of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks), they grow to an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) and weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual.
The American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) is a species of hog-nosed skunk from Central and North America, and is one of the largest skunks in the world, growing to lengths of up to 2.7 feet (82 cm). Recent work has concluded the western hog-nosed skunk (formerly Conepatus mesoleucus) is the same species, and Conepatus leuconotus is the correct name of the merged populations.In Texas, it is commonly known as the rooter skunk for its habit of rooting and overturning rocks and debris in search of food.
Animals of the same family as a American hog-nosed skunk
Not really brothers and sisters, but from the same biological family (Mustelidae):
- European mink becoming 10 years old
- Asian small-clawed otter becoming 10.08 years old
- Amazon weasel bringing the scale to 268 grams
- Cameroon clawless otter with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Nilgiri marten growing to a mass of 2.04 kgs (4.5 lbs)
- Back-striped weasel growing to a mass of 1.5 kgs (3.31 lbs)
- Honey badger becoming 26.5 years old
- Steppe polecat with 7 babies per pregnancy
- African striped weasel becoming 5.17 years old
- Eastern spotted skunk becoming 10 years old
Animals that reach the same age as American hog-nosed skunk
With an average age of 7 years, American hog-nosed skunk are in good companionship of the following animals:
- Collared pika usually reaching 6 years
- Canyon bat usually reaching 6 years
- Common ringtail possum usually reaching 8 years
- Jamaican coney usually reaching 8.25 years
- Greater musky fruit bat usually reaching 8 years
- Mongolian gazelle usually reaching 7 years
- Least chipmunk usually reaching 6.25 years
- Mountain degu usually reaching 7.33 years
- Doria’s tree-kangaroo usually reaching 8 years
- Tailless tenrec usually reaching 6.25 years
Animals with the same number of babies American hog-nosed skunk
The same number of babies at once (3) are born by:
- Taiwan field mouse
- Nicobar shrew
- Middle East blind mole-rat
- Red spiny rat
- Gray-footed chipmunk
- Bushy-tailed woodrat
- Cheetah
- Western red-backed vole
- Blackish white-toothed shrew
- Mongolian five-toed jerboa
Weighting as much as American hog-nosed skunk
A fully grown American hog-nosed skunk reaches around 3.37 kg (7.43 lbs). So do these animals:
- Northern naked-tailed armadillo weighting 3.74 kilos (8.25 lbs) on average
- Pallas’s cat weighting 3.05 kilos (6.72 lbs) on average
- Fisher (animal) weighting 3.75 kilos (8.27 lbs) on average
- Rufous rat-kangaroo weighting 2.81 kilos (6.19 lbs) on average
- Groundhog weighting 3.88 kilos (8.55 lbs) on average
- Black agouti weighting 3.5 kilos (7.72 lbs) on average
- Greater cane rat weighting 3.75 kilos (8.27 lbs) on average
- Southern tree hyrax weighting 2.71 kilos (5.97 lbs) on average
- Royal antelope weighting 3.9 kilos (8.6 lbs) on average
- Dusky pademelon weighting 2.74 kilos (6.04 lbs) on average
Animals as big as a American hog-nosed skunk
Those animals grow as big as a American hog-nosed skunk:
- Yarkand hare with 39 cm (1′ 4″)
- Pagai Island macaque with 45 cm (1′ 6″)
- Northern naked-tailed armadillo with 41.6 cm (1′ 5″)
- Ring-tailed vontsira with 35.2 cm (1′ 2″)
- Tapeti with 36.3 cm (1′ 3″)
- Jamaican coney with 37.8 cm (1′ 3″)
- Groundhog with 41.4 cm (1′ 5″)
- Robust cottontail with 39.4 cm (1′ 4″)
- Chinese hare with 38 cm (1′ 3″)
- Mountain cuscus with 40.7 cm (1′ 5″)