How many baby Black crested gibbons are in a litter?
A Black crested gibbon (Hylobates concolor) usually gives birth to around 1 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 205 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 1.02 kg (2.24 lbs) and measure 8.5 cm (0′ 4″). They are a member of the Hylobatidae family (genus: Hylobates). An adult Black crested gibbon grows up to a size of 54.5 cm (1′ 10″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor) is an endangered species of gibbon found in China, Laos, and northern Vietnam, with four subspecies.
Other animals of the family Hylobatidae
Black crested gibbon is a member of the Hylobatidae, as are these animals:
- Lar gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Black crested gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Siamang with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Northern white-cheeked gibbon weighting around 7.32 kilograms (16.14 lbs)
- Silvery gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Pileated gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Kloss’s gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Hoolock gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Hoolock gibbon with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Siamang with 1 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Black crested gibbon
Those animals also give birth to 1 babies at once:
- Cape elephant shrew
- Mountain paca
- Evening bat
- Southeast Asian shrew
- PudĂș
- Wroughton’s free-tailed bat
- Common duiker
- Mauritian flying fox
- Spectacled bear
- Horsfield’s tarsier
Animals that get as old as a Black crested gibbon
Other animals that usually reach the age of 44.08 years:
- Long-finned pilot whale with 45 years
- Beluga whale with 40 years
- Spotted hyena with 41.08 years
- Crabeater seal with 39 years
- Pantropical spotted dolphin with 46 years
- Caspian seal with 50 years
- Harbor seal with 40 years
- Guinea baboon with 40 years
- Caspian seal with 50 years
- Lar gibbon with 40 years
Animals with the same weight as a Black crested gibbon
What other animals weight around 6.43 kg (14.18 lbs)?
- Diademed sifaka usually reaching 6.58 kgs (14.51 lbs)
- Celebes crested macaque usually reaching 7.37 kgs (16.25 lbs)
- Malayan civet usually reaching 7.35 kgs (16.2 lbs)
- Kloss’s gibbon usually reaching 5.84 kgs (12.87 lbs)
- Grey-cheeked mangabey usually reaching 7.39 kgs (16.29 lbs)
- Jaguarundi usually reaching 6.88 kgs (15.17 lbs)
- Pileated gibbon usually reaching 5.57 kgs (12.28 lbs)
- Thomas’s langur usually reaching 6.69 kgs (14.75 lbs)
- Brush-tailed rock-wallaby usually reaching 6.94 kgs (15.3 lbs)
- Purple-faced langur usually reaching 7.53 kgs (16.6 lbs)
Animals with the same size as a Black crested gibbon
Also reaching around 54.5 cm (1′ 10″) in size do these animals:
- Flat-headed cat gets as big as 46.7 cm (1′ 7″)
- Broom hare gets as big as 50.2 cm (1′ 8″)
- Banded palm civet gets as big as 46 cm (1′ 7″)
- Bonnet macaque gets as big as 47.5 cm (1′ 7″)
- Capped langur gets as big as 57.5 cm (1′ 11″)
- Golden-crowned sifaka gets as big as 47.5 cm (1′ 7″)
- Tana River red colobus gets as big as 56 cm (1′ 11″)
- Lowland paca gets as big as 64.7 cm (2′ 2″)
- Grivet gets as big as 56 cm (1′ 11″)
- Dusky pademelon gets as big as 54.5 cm (1′ 10″)