Litter Size

How many babies does a Water opossum have at once? (litter size)

How many baby Water opossums are in a litter?

A Water opossum (Chironectes minimus) usually gives birth to around 3 babies.

Upon birth, they weight 2 grams (0 lbs) and measure 7.6 cm (0′ 3″). They are a member of the Didelphidae family (genus: Chironectes). An adult Water opossum grows up to a size of 29.7 cm (1′ 0″).

To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.

The average litter size of a Water opossum is 3

The water opossum (Chironectes minimus), also locally known as the yapok (), is a marsupial of the family Didelphidae. It is the only living member of its genus, Chironectes. This semiaquatic creature is found in and near freshwater streams and lakes from Mexico through Central and South America to Argentina and is the most aquatic living marsupial (the lutrine opossum also has aquatic habits). It is also the only living marsupial in which both sexes have a pouch. The thylacine, commonly referred to as the Tasmanian tiger, also exhibited this trait, but it is now believed to be extinct.The water opossum lives in bankside burrows, emerging after dusk to swim and search for fish, crustaceans and other aquatic animals, which it eats on the bank.

Other animals of the family Didelphidae

Water opossum is a member of the Didelphidae, as are these animals:

Animals that share a litter size with Water opossum

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Animals that get as old as a Water opossum

Other animals that usually reach the age of 3 years:

Animals with the same weight as a Water opossum

What other animals weight around 977 grams (2.15 lbs)?

Animals with the same size as a Water opossum

Also reaching around 29.7 cm (1′ 0″) in size do these animals: