How many baby Golden bandicoots are in a litter?
A Golden bandicoot (Isoodon auratus) usually gives birth to around 2 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 12 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 6.8 kg (14.99 lbs) and measure 15.1 cm (0′ 6″). They are a member of the Peramelidae family (genus: Isoodon). An adult Golden bandicoot grows up to a size of 35.5 cm (1′ 2″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The golden bandicoot (Isoodon auratus) is a short-nosed bandicoot found in northern Australia. It is the smallest of its genus.The golden bandicoot is now a threatened species. It was once found throughout much of northwestern Australia, with even a patch on the New South Wales/South Australia border, but it is now restricted to the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and to Augustus, Barrow and Middle Islands off of Western Australia (I. auratus barrowensis) and Marchinbar Island of Northern Territory. It is distinguished from the brown bandicoots by its golden colouring and much smaller size.It averages about 35 cm (or 14 in.) in length from head to tail and weighs between 260-655g (or 9–23 oz) with an average of 310 g (11 oz). It is the smallest of the short-nosed bandicoots with a golden colour back, hence the name, finely streaked with black fur. The sides and face are a faded light rust colour, and the underbelly is pale amber. The feet are the same colour as the underbelly and have sharp claws. The species was first described in 1897 from a specimen collected near Derby, Western Australia. As with most bandicoots, the golden bandicoot has a rather long, flat, pointy nose. It is an omnivore, consuming succulents, insects, plant bulbs, and small reptiles. The golden bandicoot is nocturnal, foraging at night by digging small holes in the ground to find food.The largest golden bandicoot population lives on Barrow Island because no cats or foxes have been introduced to the island, and other populations exist on Middle, Marchinbar, Augustus Islands. Small populations on mainland Australia are located in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The golden bandicoot once lived all throughout Central Australia, but by 1992 it had been reduced to a small area in northwest Kimberly and Arnhem Land. In 2000, it was assumed that the species was extinct on the mainland. Birds are the main threat to the species, and bandicoots must compete with rabbits for resources.
Other animals of the family Peramelidae
Golden bandicoot is a member of the Peramelidae, as are these animals:
- Eastern barred bandicoot with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Desert bandicoot with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Northern brown bandicoot with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Long-nosed bandicoot with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Lesser bilby with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Greater bilby with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Southern brown bandicoot with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Southern pig-footed bandicoot with 2 babies per pregnancy
- Western barred bandicoot with 2 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Golden bandicoot
Those animals also give birth to 2 babies at once:
- Golden mouse
- Jungle cat
- Sumichrast’s vesper rat
- Sarcophilus laniarius
- American pika
- Gray tree rat
- Tiger
- Desert pocket mouse
- Peters’s climbing rat
- Lusitanian pine vole
Animals with the same weight as a Golden bandicoot
What other animals weight around 425 grams (0.94 lbs)?
- Black-headed marmoset weighting 401 grams
- Beecroft’s flying squirrel weighting 479 grams
- Short-tailed chinchilla weighting 500 grams
- Mariana fruit bat weighting 458 grams
- Collie’s squirrel weighting 498 grams
- Southern tuco-tuco weighting 403 grams
- Giant Atlantic tree-rat weighting 502 grams
- Lesser bilby weighting 364 grams
- Pygmy spotted skunk weighting 365 grams
- Long-fingered triok weighting 370 grams
Animals with the same size as a Golden bandicoot
Also reaching around 35.5 cm (1′ 2″) in size do these animals:
- Black-footed ferret gets as big as 39.7 cm (1′ 4″)
- Coppery ringtail possum gets as big as 37.8 cm (1′ 3″)
- Slender mongoose gets as big as 33 cm (1′ 1″)
- Tufted ground squirrel gets as big as 40.6 cm (1′ 4″)
- Three-striped night monkey gets as big as 35.8 cm (1′ 3″)
- Raffray’s bandicoot gets as big as 34.6 cm (1′ 2″)
- Manzano Mountain cottontail gets as big as 38.5 cm (1′ 4″)
- Philippine flying lemur gets as big as 38 cm (1′ 3″)
- Eastern white-eared giant rat gets as big as 33.9 cm (1′ 2″)
- Rio Tapajós saki gets as big as 39.9 cm (1′ 4″)