What is the maximal age a Red giant flying squirrel reaches?
An adult Red giant flying squirrel (Petaurista petaurista) usually gets as old as 16 years.
Red giant flying squirrels are around 45 days in the womb of their mother. When born, they weight 56 grams (0.12 lbs) and measure 1.3 cm (0′ 1″). As a member of the Sciuridae family (genus: Petaurista), their offspring is 1 babies per pregnancy. Fully grown, they reach a bodylength of 41.1 cm (1′ 5″).
As a reference: Usually, humans get as old as 100 years, with the average being around 75 years. After being carried in the belly of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks), they grow to an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) and weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual.
The red giant flying squirrel or common giant flying squirrel (Petaurista petaurista) is a species of rodent in the family Sciuridae (squirrels). It is found in a wide variety of forest–types, plantations and more open habitats with scattered trees in Southeast Asia, ranging north to the Himalayas and southern and central China. One of the largest arboreal squirrels, all populations have at least some reddish-brown above and pale underparts, but otherwise there are significant geographic variations in the colours. The taxonomic position of those in the Sundaic region is generally agreed upon, but there is considerable uncertainty about the others, which variously have been included in this or other species, or recognized as their own species.Like other flying squirrels, the red giant flying squirrel is mostly nocturnal and able to glide (not actually fly like a bat) long distances between trees by spreading out its patagium, skin between its limbs. It is a herbivore and the female has one, infrequently two, young per litter. Although declining locally due to habitat loss and to a lesser degree hunting, it remains overall common and it is not a threatened species.
Animals of the same family as a Red giant flying squirrel
Not really brothers and sisters, but from the same biological family (Sciuridae):
- Sonoma chipmunk with 4 babies per pregnancy
- Black-tailed prairie dog becoming 8.5 years old
- Siberian flying squirrel becoming 3.75 years old
- Texas antelope squirrel with 9 babies per pregnancy
- Arrow flying squirrel bringing the scale to 49 grams
- Black-eared squirrel getting as big as 9.5 cm (0′ 4″)
- Abert’s squirrel with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Four-striped ground squirrel with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Japanese squirrel bringing the scale to 264 grams
- Groundhog becoming 10 years old
Animals that reach the same age as Red giant flying squirrel
With an average age of 16 years, Red giant flying squirrel are in good companionship of the following animals:
- South African springhare usually reaching 14.5 years
- California myotis usually reaching 15 years
- Asian golden cat usually reaching 18 years
- Lowland paca usually reaching 16 years
- Dama gazelle usually reaching 17.25 years
- Rhim gazelle usually reaching 14 years
- L’Hoest’s monkey usually reaching 16 years
- Nyala usually reaching 16 years
- Allied rock-wallaby usually reaching 13 years
- Gray fox usually reaching 15 years
Animals with the same number of babies Red giant flying squirrel
The same number of babies at once (1) are born by:
- Himalayan tahr
- Herbert River ringtail possum
- Thorold’s deer
- Indri
- Spectacled flying fox
- Highland brush mouse
- Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth
- Merriam’s pocket gopher
- Black flying fox
- Egyptian free-tailed bat
Weighting as much as Red giant flying squirrel
A fully grown Red giant flying squirrel reaches around 1.54 kg (3.38 lbs). So do these animals:
- Aquatic genet weighting 1.65 kilos (3.64 lbs) on average
- Pel’s flying squirrel weighting 1.77 kilos (3.9 lbs) on average
- Hispaniolan hutia weighting 1.27 kilos (2.8 lbs) on average
- African savanna hare weighting 1.77 kilos (3.9 lbs) on average
- Banded palm civet weighting 1.27 kilos (2.8 lbs) on average
- Lake Mackay hare-wallaby weighting 1.5 kilos (3.31 lbs) on average
- Chinese hare weighting 1.61 kilos (3.55 lbs) on average
- Woodlark cuscus weighting 1.63 kilos (3.59 lbs) on average
- Ruddy mongoose weighting 1.7 kilos (3.75 lbs) on average
- Bristle-spined rat weighting 1.3 kilos (2.87 lbs) on average
Animals as big as a Red giant flying squirrel
Those animals grow as big as a Red giant flying squirrel:
- Omilteme cottontail with 39.2 cm (1′ 4″)
- Indian grey mongoose with 40 cm (1′ 4″)
- Northern Luzon giant cloud rat with 38.2 cm (1′ 4″)
- Aquatic genet with 45.6 cm (1′ 6″)
- Amami rabbit with 44.4 cm (1′ 6″)
- Golden palm civet with 48.8 cm (1′ 8″)
- Yellow-spotted rock hyrax with 46.9 cm (1′ 7″)
- White-footed saki with 39.4 cm (1′ 4″)
- Stripe-necked mongoose with 47.8 cm (1′ 7″)
- Tufted ground squirrel with 40.6 cm (1′ 4″)