How many baby Fat-tailed false antechinuss are in a litter?
A Fat-tailed false antechinus (Pseudantechinus macdonnellensis) usually gives birth to around 5 babies.With 1 litters per year, that sums up to a yearly offspring of 5 babies.
Each of those little ones spend around 44 days as a fetus before they are released into the wild. Upon birth, they weight 168 grams (0.37 lbs) and measure 3.3 cm (0′ 2″). They are a member of the Dasyuridae family (genus: Pseudantechinus). An adult Fat-tailed false antechinus grows up to a size of 60.3 cm (2′ 0″).
To have a reference: Humans obviously usually have a litter size of one ;). Their babies are in the womb of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks) and reach an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″). They weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual, and reach an average age of 75 years.
The fat-tailed false antechinus (Pseudantechinus macdonnellensis), also called the fat-tailed pseudantechinus and red-eared antechinus, is a member of the order Dasyuromorphia. It is an inhabitant of western and central Australia.
Other animals of the family Dasyuridae
Fat-tailed false antechinus is a member of the Dasyuridae, as are these animals:
- Antechinus wilhelmina raching a size of 10.6 cm (0′ 5″)
- Carpentarian dunnart weighting only 25 grams
- Dibbler with 7 babies per pregnancy
- Parantechinus bilarni with 4 babies per pregnancy
- Ooldea dunnart with 7 babies per pregnancy
- Hairy-footed dunnart weighting only 15 grams
- Broad-striped dasyure with 3 babies per pregnancy
- Long-tailed dunnart with 4 babies per pregnancy
- Short-furred dasyure weighting only 161 grams
- Crest-tailed mulgara with 6 babies per pregnancy
Animals that share a litter size with Fat-tailed false antechinus
Those animals also give birth to 5 babies at once:
- Crowned shrew
- Bobrinski’s jerboa
- Great Balkhan mouse-like hamster
- Mearns’s pouched mouse
- Northern grass mouse
- Tristram’s jird
- Lesser hedgehog tenrec
- Dalton’s mouse
- Grey red-backed vole
- Star-nosed mole
Animals that get as old as a Fat-tailed false antechinus
Other animals that usually reach the age of 3 years:
- Alpine pika with 3 years
- Lowland streaked tenrec with 2.67 years
- Etruscan shrew with 2.67 years
- Sandstone false antechinus with 3 years
- Sminthopsis laniger with 3.25 years
- Field vole with 3.25 years
- Japanese shrew mole with 3.5 years
- Cape mole-rat with 3 years
- Dibbler with 3 years
- South African pouched mouse with 2.75 years
Animals with the same weight as a Fat-tailed false antechinus
What other animals weight around 36 grams (0.08 lbs)?
- Hairy-tailed bolo mouse weighting 39 grams
- Mearns’s grasshopper mouse weighting 30 grams
- Macmillan’s thicket rat weighting 37 grams
- Japanese water shrew weighting 35 grams
- Spotted bolo mouse weighting 37 grams
- Dalton’s mouse weighting 34 grams
- Jalapan pine vole weighting 40 grams
- Four-striped grass mouse weighting 40 grams
- Lesser bulldog bat weighting 31 grams
- Hildegarde’s tomb bat weighting 29 grams