What is the maximal age a Madagascan fruit bat reaches?
An adult Madagascan fruit bat (Eidolon dupreanum) usually gets as old as 20 years.
Madagascan fruit bats are around 131 days in the womb of their mother. When born, they weight 50 grams (0.11 lbs) and measure 8 cm (0′ 4″). As a member of the Pteropodidae family (genus: Eidolon), a Madagascan fruit bat caries out around 1 little ones per pregnancy, which happens around 1 times a year. Fully grown, they reach a bodylength of 20.2 cm (0′ 8″).
As a reference: Usually, humans get as old as 100 years, with the average being around 75 years. After being carried in the belly of their mother for 280 days (40 weeks), they grow to an average size of 1.65m (5′ 5″) and weight in at 62 kg (137 lbs), which is obviously highly individual.
The Madagascan fruit bat (Eidolon dupreanum) is a species of bat in the family Pteropodidae. It is endemic to Madagascar and is listed as “Vulnerable” by the IUCN because it is hunted as bushmeat.
Animals of the same family as a Madagascan fruit bat
Not really brothers and sisters, but from the same biological family (Pteropodidae):
- Harpy fruit bat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Egyptian fruit bat becoming 22.83 years old
- Spectacled flying fox with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Greater musky fruit bat becoming 8 years old
- Lesser short-nosed fruit bat becoming 8 years old
- Minute fruit bat bringing the scale to 26 grams
- Little collared fruit bat with 1 babies per pregnancy
- Panniet naked-backed fruit bat bringing the scale to 239 grams
- Veldkamp’s dwarf epauletted fruit bat bringing the scale to 21 grams
- Masked flying fox bringing the scale to 130 grams
Animals that reach the same age as Madagascan fruit bat
With an average age of 20 years, Madagascan fruit bat are in good companionship of the following animals:
- Greater spot-nosed monkey usually reaching 23 years
- Sumatran serow usually reaching 21 years
- Binturong usually reaching 22.67 years
- Keen’s myotis usually reaching 18.5 years
- Giant forest hog usually reaching 18 years
- South American coati usually reaching 17.67 years
- Purple-faced langur usually reaching 23 years
- Indian hog deer usually reaching 20 years
- Cotton-top tamarin usually reaching 23.08 years
- Asian palm civet usually reaching 22.42 years
Animals with the same number of babies Madagascan fruit bat
The same number of babies at once (1) are born by:
- Van Gelder’s bat
- Gray brocket
- Woosnam’s brush-furred rat
- Ribboned rope squirrel
- Striped dolphin
- Northern olingo
- Coquerel’s sifaka
- Tricolored bat
- Little red brocket
- Bohor reedbuck
Weighting as much as Madagascan fruit bat
A fully grown Madagascan fruit bat reaches around 296 grams (0.65 lbs). So do these animals:
- Hammer-headed bat with 336 grams
- Goeldi’s spiny rat with 284 grams
- Bare-tailed woolly opossum with 246 grams
- Southern African hedgehog with 337 grams
- Mouse-tailed Atlantic spiny rat with 284 grams
- Yellow-faced pocket gopher with 267 grams
- Peruvian tree-rat with 315 grams
- Long-eared hedgehog with 332 grams
- Particolored flying squirrel with 255 grams
- White-tailed olalla rat with 274 grams
Animals as big as a Madagascan fruit bat
Those animals grow as big as a Madagascan fruit bat:
- Red-bellied marsupial shrew with 17.9 cm (0′ 8″)
- Eastern rat with 17.3 cm (0′ 7″)
- Dusky-footed woodrat with 20.8 cm (0′ 9″)
- Edible dormouse with 16.7 cm (0′ 7″)
- Painted treeshrew with 18.5 cm (0′ 8″)
- Richardson’s ground squirrel with 21.1 cm (0′ 9″)
- Smoky pocket gopher with 21.4 cm (0′ 9″)
- White-tailed antsangy with 22.5 cm (0′ 9″)
- Papuan bandicoot with 19.3 cm (0′ 8″)
- Buffy-headed marmoset with 24 cm (0′ 10″)